Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
A gentle full body massage that encourages the body’s lymphatic system to detox and drain excess fluid.
Benefits: Helps with bloating, water retention, detoxification around the body. Helps to fight off colds and flu symptoms, improves chronic conditions such as arthritis and other skin conditions.
£80.00 – 1 hour
Post Op Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Doctors are now recommending lymphatic drainage massage from 3 days after surgery to help with swelling, bruising and healing process after surgery.
It is recommended that you have a course of 6 treatments, 2 a week for 3 weeks.
Another course is recommended after initial course, this will help prolong the healing process and your recovery.
£100 – 1 hour 15 mins
£600 – Course of 6